Oral History Project

We are currently also working on an intergenerational Oral History Project where members of the community record their stories of life in Dolwyddelan and these are then turned in to video stories and uploaded to the web. This is a fantastic project which will help to document life in Dolwyddelan forever.

Below are the links to the oral history stories. This project is ongoing and new stories will be added over time.

Please note that these are external links that link to our You tube page and will open in a new window. Please click on a title to follow the link.

Interviews conducted in Welsh

Land armyMy Life as a Land Army Girl by Nellie Hughes




Blaenau DolwyddelanBlaenau Dolwyddelan by Gwynros and Caleb Jones



Gwenllian a TamzynGwenllian and Tamzyn

Gwenllian asks her mum questions of about her life growing up in Dolwyddelan


Ffion a NiaFfion and Nia

Life growing up in Dolwyddelan


Amelia and Ian ChapmanAmelia and Ian Chapman

Life growing up in Dolwyddelan



This post is also available in: Welsh