Family Research

If you would like to examine village records, you can make an apointment to meet at the Pavilion (if you are in the area,) where physical records can be searched. Or we can help you online. This is a voluntary service by a local historian who is always happy to help. Advice on family research can also be given.


The records available at present . . .


1841 to 1911 (including an unoficial 1841 census, written by a local person at the time. Lots of family information included.

1939 Register – taken at the start of WWII

St Gwyddelan’s church

    • Baptisms – 1737 to 2003
    • Marriages – 1737 to 1935
    • Funerals – 1737 to 1977

Capel Elen

Baptisms – 1813 to 1836

Capel Gennesaret

Baptisms – 1817 to 1836

Gravestone inscriptions of both St Gwyddelan’s graveyard and Bryn y Bedd cemetery. Includes location of all graves.

Old maps of the area, including house names.

Access to old newspapers online.

Biographies of several past Dolwyddelan people.

Many historic village documents, pictures and information relating to all aspects of past village life.

If you have an historic connection with the village, or information to share, we would love to hear from you.

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